Gibson Dozier Family Reunion

July 23-24-25, 2010 Minutes

Costa Mesa, California

On Saturday, July 24, the Gibson Dozier Members met after breakfast in The Hotel Hanford Ballroom for their annual Family Reunion Meeting. As a prelude to the meeting, members in attendance introduced themselves and told the total years they had attended a reunion

After this warm fellowship, our President, T. Leon Berry declared the 2010 Gibson Dozier Reunion officially opened. Mrs Lillian Brooks was called upon to deliver prayer. The next order of business was the reading of the minutes of 2009, which had the following corrections:

2009 Treasurers Report was corrected ($5,603.91 vs.

$5,576.05) and the fact that a Historian was appointed

in 2009 in the person of Denise Gardner.

The 2010 Treasurer's Report was then called for and Stanley Cobb reported a balance on hand of $7,153.87 with Disbursements in the amount of $107.72 and Income in the amount of $1,657.68 A breakdown was noted with Scholarship funds being $3,212.58 and National Treasury Operating funds being $3,941.29., thus the $7,153.87.

Basically the above mentioned Income was from the Saluda Committee and their 2009 reunion. They were applauded for having conducted an excellent reunion.

Committee Reports:

Scholarship Committee, Gwen Johnson reporting asked for prayer for our Committee Chairman, Sherron Love who is ill and unable to attend. She reported that we had no scholarship recipients this year. She gave a brief report on the functions of a scholarship, while Ruth Chenault spoke on students unable to attend reunions, which our By-Laws resolved.

Historian/Archivist, Denise Gardner, brought a brief but informative report on the work she had begun on our behalf and her visit to the
Saluda courthouse and information obtained therein. Further she suggested we read the book "In My House Are Many Mansions" and gave her web-site as GardnerD…. . Com. Diane Jackson volunteered to work with Ms Gardner as Co-Archivist. Michael Berry volunteered to set up a Gibson-Dozier website for this and other projects.

Ricky Porter, Co-chair of the Atlanta Reunion came forward to make a report of the 2011 Reunion. Efficiently prepared he handed out Reunion Letters and Registration Forms. Much discussion and solutions were worked out in the report which consisted of rooms, rates, discounts, extra sleepers, food tickets and much more. Mr. Porter and his committee were indeed prepared to accept Reunion Reservations then. Final comment was the Presidents reminder that Ricky Porter and Cornell Penland were Co-Chairmans.

Next order of business was too accept the resignation of our Treasurer, Stanley Cobb and the Election of new Official Board Officers. Due to the fact that we did not have a quorum in California, it was discussed and accepted that everyone, including our Treasurer would stay in place another year and we would try again in 2011.

Three other questions were discussed and resolved before the final order of business.

(1) Seed Money to Reunion Hosts. In the amount of $500, motioned by Ruth Chenault and seconded by Stanley Cobb.

(2) Refund Policy of persons who had previously paid and were unable to attend. The final resolution was that each case would be handled on an individual basis. Jesse Berry and Diane Gardner who were due a refund were asked to waive their refunds and make a donation to the National Treasury.

(3) Jesse Berry spoke on his years as Editor-In-Chief and volunteered to resign without any fulltime takers, although Nate Lott volunteered to assist him. Mr. Berry also spoke on the Gibson Dozier Membership needing their own Web-Site Domain and gave out his new personal email address which is Discussions on our Family Crest was briefly spoken on. Further discussion needed for both issues.

Next to final order of business was to confirm the location of the 2012 reunion which will be Philadelphia with Charlotte Cobb and Committee and the location of the 2013 reunion. Deidre Todd and Committee volunteered for Florida which was accepted with final location, Tampa or Orlando to be later decided.

The Final order of business was to name the Regional Representatives and add new ones. They are

Gwen Johnson - Detroit

Stanley Cobb Washington, D.C.

Charlotte Cobb Pennsylvania

Elmira Sams/Dorothy Safo Ohio

T. Leon Berry California

Maryland Jesse Berry

North Carolina Lillian Brooks

South Carolina Ruth Chenault/Rosa Lott

Florida Deidre Todd

Georgia Ricky Porter/Cornell Penland

Colorado Thelma's Porter

With clear minds and pure hearts, the Gibson Dozier Family Reunion adjourned for another year.

Respectfully submitted

T. Leon Berry, President

Dorothy Safo, Secretary

Stanley Cobb, Treasurer